

Notice based on Article 44 g of Regulation No. 13 of the Financial Supervision Commission for a tender offer for the purchase and exchange of shares

Pursuant to Art. 44g of Ordinance No. 13 of the Financial Supervision Commission for a tender offer for the purchase and exchange of shares (Ordinance No. 13), "POBEDA" JSC notifies that pursuant to Art. 157a of the Civil Procedure Code acquired 851,232 (of the proposed 854,260) number of ordinary, non-available, registered, freely transferable shares from the capital of "PRIME PROPERTY BG" REIT, EIK 131148642.

from the TD of the NRA-c. Sofia).

The total amount paid by "POBEDA" AD, EIC: 102047327 for the purchase of 854,260 pcs. ordinary, dematerialized, registered, freely transferable shares of the capital of "PRIME PROPERTY BG" REIT is BGN 563,811.60, and the amount of transferred funds in the open bank account under Art. 44e, para. 2 of Ordinance No. 13 of 22.12.2003 for a tender offer for the purchase and exchange of shares is BGN 26,850.12, and the amount of money transferred to CD AD for payment of shares to shareholders of "PRIME PROPERTY BG" REIT with open accounts for financial instruments at investment intermediaries, members of CD AD is BGN 536,961.48.

Bank "KBC BANK BULGARIA" EAD, registered in the commercial register and the register of non-profit legal entities maintained by the Registration Agency with EIC 831558413, opens for "POBEDA" AD, EIC: 102047327 a special account in Bulgarian leva IBAN: BGЗ0RZBB91551062023335 ( "Special Account"), for the purpose of paying the price for the Shares to the Company's shareholders. When opening the special account "POBEDA" AD, EIC: 102047327 signs "Agreement - request for opening and servicing a bank account and provision of banking services to legal entities" and other standard documents, according to the requirements of the Law on Payment Services and Payment Systems and Ordinance No. 3 of 18.04.2018 of the BNB on the terms and conditions for opening payment accounts,

The conditions and order in which payments are made in favor of the claim holders are:

The bank pays the amounts due to shareholders (including co-owners) upon presentation of the following documents:

a) an express verbal or written declaration of intent by the Shareholder. The declaration of will is made personally by the Shareholders - natural persons (representing Appendix No. 1, which is an integral part of this Agreement) or by the legal representatives of the Shareholders - legal entities (representing Appendix No. 2, which is an integral part of this Agreement), or by express an authorized person with a notarized power of attorney.

b) for Shareholders - natural persons: identity card or passport; for foreign citizens - their original passport or other identity document for entering the country;

c) for the Shareholders - Bulgarian legal entities:

bb) certificate of current legal status, issued by the register in which the person is entered, not earlier than 1 month from the declaration of will under letter a) of this article. If the Bulgarian legal entity is registered in the Commercial Register and the register of non-profit legal entities at the Registration Agency, the requested certificate is not submitted; bv) declaration of actual owner to a natural person according to ZMIP and identity document of the legal representative, resp. of the representative by power of attorney; and for Shareholders, foreign legal entities - a notarized copy of the registration deed in the relevant foreign language, if necessary with an apostille/legalization, as well as a legalized translation of the text of the registration deed, containing the full name of the legal entity, date of issue and country of registration , address of the legal entity, the names of the persons authorized to represent it. The declaration of actual owner to a natural person according to the Civil Code and the other documents should be issued no earlier than 1 month from the date of the declaration of intent under letter a) of this article.

d) for persons represented by a proxy, an explicit written notarized power of attorney is also presented (when it is certified by an authority of another country - apostilled or legalized if necessary and attached with an official translation into Bulgarian)

e) original other legally recognized certification documents, legitimizing the relevant person as the holder of the claim (in cases of inheritance, conversion, etc.) at the discretion of the Bank. These documents should have been issued no earlier than one month before the date of the declaration of intent under letter a) of this article;

f) to carry out transfers abroad, the Shareholder submits the legally required documents according to the legislation in force at the relevant time.

g) payment document and other declarations, consents according to the Bank's model for carrying out the relevant operation;

Partial payment of amounts is not allowed.

Upon payment of the amounts due, the Bank's employee checks the data in the documents submitted by the relevant Shareholder with the data from the Client's List.

In the event of differences in the EGN / date of birth / EIK / BULSTAT / identification number under the relevant local legislation between the one indicated in the identity card / passport / other identity document for entry into the country / the certificate of current legal status / the registration act of the Shareholder with this , reflected in the Client's List, the Bank does not make payment.

When differences in the names are established, the Bank requires the Shareholder to present a Certificate of Identity of the names from the relevant Municipal Administration or a copy from the body that made the decision to change the name. The document remains in storage at the Bank. A copy of the same documents is provided to the Client upon request.

In case of differences in address registration/headquarters, the Bank serves the Shareholder, as this is not decisive for his personal identification.

The Bank pays the amounts from the Shareholders' Special Account until the expiration of the statutory limitation period for repayment of the claims of the Company's shareholders.

The Bank pays the amounts due to persons authorized by other Shareholders, after identification with an identity card (or passport) and an original of an express notarized power of attorney for the specific case or a notarized copy of it, which remains in storage at the Bank.

When paying sums to heirs of deceased shareholders who are not included in the list attached to the Agreement, in addition to the identity documents of the heirs, a certificate for heirs is presented - an original that remains in storage at the Bank and a copy that is certified by the Bank, and all heirs appear, and, in cases where inheritance tax is due, a certificate from the municipality where the inheritance is located that the amount has been included in the inheritance tax return and the tax has been paid. In the case of authorization of one of the heirs, an original of an explicit notarized power of attorney for the specific case is also presented, which remains in the Bank's custody.

The amount due to each shareholder is done by bank transfer or is paid in cash in accordance with the restrictions provided for in the Law on the Limitation of Cash Payments. The due fees and commissions are for the account of the Customer and are withheld by the Bank in amounts according to the Tariff for fees and commissions of "KBC Bank Bulgaria" EAD on the day of the operation. The Customer is obliged to provide the necessary for the execution of each transfer or any cash withdrawal of amounts for the payment of due fees and commissions, and the Bank unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to ex officio collect these fees and commissions from all the Client's accounts with the Bank, including from his deposits. The Bank does not make the transfer to the relevant Shareholder, until the Client pays the due fees and commissions, resp.

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